Results for 'Francesco Giorgi Veneto'

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  1. Temi filosofici E teologici Nell'«elegante poema».Giorgio Veneto di Francesco - 1990 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 45:37.
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    Towards a More Effective Thick Description: A Biosemiotic Approach to Meaning in Psychotherapy.Annibale Fanali, Francesco Tramonti & Franco Giorgi - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (3):519-530.
    Thick description was originally proposed to overcome the limitations of quantitative research and ground anthropological observations in concrete people’s expectations, rather than in normative theories. The ultimate objective was to account for the emotional aspects of worldviews and value-orientations that would otherwise be left tacit or implicit by quantitative investigations. The present paper aimed at reviewing the _conceptual framework_ that has characterized this relational turn and has made possible a deeper understanding of the subjective experience. The primary objective is thus (...)
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    Detrimental Effects of Workplace Bullying: Impediment of Self-Management Competence via Psychological Distress.Gabriele Giorgi, Milda Perminienė, Francesco Montani, Javier Fiz-Perez, Nicola Mucci & Giulio Arcangeli - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Biosemiotic Approach to the Biopsychosocial Understanding of Disease Adjustment.Franco Giorgi, Francesco Tramonti & Annibale Fanali - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (3):369-383.
    The biopsychosocial model was initially proposed to overcome the normative assumption that human diseases are exclusively due to disordered biochemical and/or neurophysiological processes. The model attempts to explain how expectations, thoughts and feelings modify the patient’s motivations to deal with illness and recovery. By considering the physical health in this perspective, healthcare professionals may test the importance of socially and culturally shared principles in alleviating illness experience. The entire biopsychosocial hierarchy may thus appear as a complex network of relationships between (...)
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    Workplace Bullying in a Sample of Italian and Spanish Employees and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction, and Psychological Well-Being.Alicia Arenas, Gabriele Giorgi, Francesco Montani, Serena Mancuso, Javier Fiz Perez, Nicola Mucci & Giulio Arcangeli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  6. Un frammento di Giulio Camillo Delminio su un poema italiano di Francesco Giorgio Veneto.Giancarlo Zanier - 1976 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (1):128.
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  7. Temi filosofici e teologici nell'Elegante Poema di Francesco Giorgio Veneto.Elisabetta Scapparone - 1990 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 45 (1):37-80.
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    Taking decisions on expenditure for high‐cost drugs at the regional level: a model for evaluating the overall impact of Trastuzumab in the Veneto Region of Italy.Alessandra Buja, Egle Perissinotto, Antonio Compostella, Andrea Tramarin, Vincenzo Rebba, Davide Pastorelli, Francesco Grigoletto, Costantino Gallo, Giuseppe Rausa & Dario Gregori - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):298-303.
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    Francesco Gerali. L'opera e l'archivio spezzino di Giovanni Capellini, un geologo dell'ottocento. 106 pp., illus., tables, bibl. Bologna: Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini; Imola: Editrice Himolah, 2012.Luca Ciancio. Vulcan's Secret Forge: Explorations of the Verona Area by British Aristocrats and Veneto Naturalists during the Eighteenth Century/La fucina segreta di Vulcano: Naturalisti veneti e aristocratici britannici de Settecento alla scoperta del territorio Veronese. 126 pp., illus., index. Verona: Consorzio di Tutela Vini Soave e Recioto di Soave, 2010. [REVIEW]Andrea Candela - 2013 - Isis 104 (4):821-822.
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  10. Impossible Worlds.Francesco Berto & Mark Jago - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Mark Jago.
    Impossible Worlds focuses on an exciting new theory in philosophy, with applications in metaphysics, logic, and the theory of meaning. Its central topic is: how do we meaningfully talk and reason about situations which, unbeknownst to us, are impossible? This issue emerges as a central problem in contemporary philosophical accounts of meaning, information, knowledge, belief, fiction, conditionality, and counterfactual supposition. The book is written bytwo of the leading philosophers in the area and contains original research of relevance to professional philosophers (...)
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    Conferita la Laurea Honoris Causa in Teologia al Prof. P. Cesare Cenci, OFM (review).Marco Arosio - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:532-540.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Un editore, un dotto studioso … silenzioso e costante, instancabile": con questo elogio, in occasione della presentazione del Supplementum ad Bullarium Franciscanum di P. Cesare Cenci, O.F.M., presso l'università francescana di Via Merulana , P. Sergio Pagano, B., Prefetto dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano, tracciava il profilo umano ed intellettuale dell'autore, elogiandone l'attesa pubblicazione come opera "in cui si coniugano diverse virtù "storiche" – per dir così – come l'accortezza diplomatica (...)
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    Substructural Logics: A Primer.Francesco Paoli - 2002 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The aim of the present book is to give a comprehensive account of the ‘state of the art’ of substructural logics, focusing both on their proof theory and on their semantics (both algebraic and relational. It is for graduate students in either philosophy, mathematics, theoretical computer science or theoretical linguistics as well as specialists and researchers.
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    Proof Theory of Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic.Francesco Paoli & Michele Pra Baldi - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):779-802.
    Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic is the 3-valued propositional logic defined on the weak Kleene tables and with two designated values. Most of the existing proof systems for PWK are characterised by the presence of linguistic restrictions on some of their rules. This feature can be seen as a shortcoming. We provide a cut-free calculus for PWK that is devoid of such provisos. Moreover, we introduce a Priest-style tableaux calculus for PWK.
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  14. A unified social ontology.Francesco Guala & Frank Hindriks - 2015 - Philosophical Quarterly 65 (259):177-201.
    Current debates in social ontology are dominated by approaches that view institutions either as rules or as equilibria of strategic games. We argue that these two approaches can be unified within an encompassing theory based on the notion of correlated equilibrium. We show that in a correlated equilibrium each player follows a regulative rule of the form ‘if X then do Y’. We then criticize Searle's claim that constitutive rules of the form ‘X counts as Y in C’ are fundamental (...)
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    On measuring inconsistency in definite and indefinite databases with denial constraints.Francesco Parisi & John Grant - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 318 (C):103884.
  16. Cristianesimo e legge naturale.Francesco Viola - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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  17. There's Something About Gdel: The Complete Guide to the Incompleteness Theorem.Francesco Berto - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Berto’s highly readable and lucid guide introduces students and the interested reader to Gödel’s celebrated _Incompleteness Theorem_, and discusses some of the most famous - and infamous - claims arising from Gödel's arguments. Offers a clear understanding of this difficult subject by presenting each of the key steps of the _Theorem_ in separate chapters Discusses interpretations of the _Theorem_ made by celebrated contemporary thinkers Sheds light on the wider extra-mathematical and philosophical implications of Gödel’s theories Written in an accessible, non-technical (...)
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  18. Relational Order and Onto-Thematic Roles.Francesco Orilia - 2011 - Metaphysica 12 (1):1-18.
    States of affairs involving a non-symmetric relation such as loving are said to have a relational order, something that distinguishes, for instance, Romeo’s loving Juliet from Juliet’s loving Romeo. Relational order can be properly understood by appealing to o-roles, i.e., ontological counterparts of what linguists call thematic roles, e.g., agent, patient, instrument, and the like. This move allows us to meet the appropriate desiderata for a theory of relational order. In contrast, the main theories that try to do without o-roles, (...)
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  19. Characterizing Negation to Face Dialetheism.Francesco Berto - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49 (195):241-263.
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    The Intermediate Scope of Consciousness in the Predictive Mind.Francesco Marchi & Jakob Hohwy - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (2):891-912.
    There is a view on consciousness that has strong intuitive appeal and empirical support: the intermediate-level theory of consciousness, proposed mainly by Ray Jackendoff and by Jesse Prinz. This theory identifies a specific “intermediate” level of representation as the basis of human phenomenal consciousness, which sits between high-level non-perspectival thought processes and low-level disjointed feature-detection processes in the perceptual and cognitive processing hierarchy. In this article, we show that the claim that consciousness arises at an intermediate-level is true of some (...)
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    Extensions of paraconsistent weak Kleene logic.Francesco Paoli & Michele Pra Baldi - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Paraconsistent weak Kleene logic is the $3$-valued logic based on the weak Kleene matrices and with two designated values. In this paper, we investigate the poset of prevarieties of generalized involutive bisemilattices, focussing in particular on the order ideal generated by Α$\textrm{lg} $. Applying to this poset a general result by Alexej Pynko, we prove that, exactly like Priest’s logic of paradox, $\textrm{PWK}$ has only one proper nontrivial extension apart from classical logic: $\textrm{PWK}_{\textrm{E}}\textrm{,}$ PWK logic plus explosion. This $6$-valued logic, (...)
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  22. No Justificatory Closure without Truth.Francesco Praolini - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (4):715-726.
    It is well-known that versions of the lottery paradox and of the preface paradox show that the following three principles are jointly inconsistent: (Sufficiency) very probable propositions are justifiably believable; (Conjunction Closure) justified believability is closed under conjunction introduction; (No Contradictions) propositions known to be contradictory are not justifiably believable. This paper shows that there is a hybrid of the lottery and preface paradoxes that does not require Sufficiency to arise, but only Conjunction Closure and No Contradictions; and it argues (...)
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    Travelling in Time and Space at the Origins of Language.Francesco Ferretti - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    In this paper we propose a narrative hypothesis on the nature of language and a proto-discursive hypothesis on the origin of our communicative abilities. Our proposal is based on two assumptions. The first assumption, concerning the properties of language, is tied to the idea that global discourse coherence governs the origin of our communicative abilities as well the functioning of these abilities. The second assumption, concerning processing devices, is connected to the idea that the systems of spatial and temporal navigation (...)
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    Contributions of expected learning progress and perceptual novelty to curiosity-driven exploration.Francesco Poli, Marlene Meyer, Rogier B. Mars & Sabine Hunnius - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105119.
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    An Updated Evolutionary Research Programme for the Evolution of Language.Francesco Suman - 2018 - Topoi 37 (2):255-263.
    Language evolution, intended as an open problem in the evolutionary research programme, will be here analyzed from the theoretical perspective advanced by the supporters of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. Four factors and two associated concepts will be matched with a selection of critical examples concerning genus Homo evolution, relevant for the evolution of language, such as the evolution of hominin life-history traits, the enlargement of the social group, increased cooperation among individuals, behavioral change and innovations, heterochronic modifications leading to increased (...)
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    L'individualità dei corpi. Percorsi nell'Etica di Spinoza.Francesco Toto - 2014 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis.
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    Argument deletion, thematic roles, and Leibniz's logico-grammatical analysis of relations.Francesco Orilia - 2000 - History and Philosophy of Logic 21 (2):147-162.
    I present a formal framework historically faithful to Leibniz's analysis of relational sentences, which: (i) engrafts thematic roles and the non-truth-functional connective insofar as (quatenus) into the monadic fragment of first-order logic; (ii) suggests a plausible ontological picture of thematic roles and relational facts; (iii) supports argument deletion and related inferential patterns that are not taken into account by standard first-order logic.
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    I pathe di Epicuro tra epistemologia ed etica.Francesco Verde - 2018 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 39 (2):205-230.
    The focus of this paper is the analysis of the epistemological and practical role played bypathe/affections in Epicurus’ philosophy. Epicurus firstly considered the affections not as emotional/passional conditions, but as firm criteria of truth and more specifically as the third criterion of the canonic (i.e. the epistemological part of his philosophical system). In this article the critical reactions (in particular by the Peripatetic side: Aristocles of Messene) against the Epicurean position about the function of the affections will be investigated too. (...)
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    University Students' Online Learning During COVID-19: The Role of Grit in Academic Performance.Francesco Sulla, Antonio Aquino & Dolores Rollo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The governmental restriction due to COVID-19 pandemic led to Italian Universities moving teaching from face-to-face, to online. This represented an unexpected transition from traditional learning to what can be considered “e-learning.” This, together with the psychological distress that may be associated with the experience of lockdown, might have affected students' performance. It was hypothesised that grit may be a protective factor in such situations. Indeed, compared to their less “gritty” peers, individuals with higher levels of grit are expected to exhibit (...)
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  30. Ernst Mach e il neopositivismo logico.Francesco Barone - 1990 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 8 (1):73-83.
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  31. Logica Formale nell'Illuminismo Tedesco.Francesco Barone - 1956 - Filosofia 7 (2):254-290.
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    L'ÊTRE ET LA PARTICIPATION DE L'AUTRE: Une nouvelle ontologie dans le Sophiste.Francesco Fronterotta - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
  33. A phenomenological study of thinking.E. Babbie, A. Giorgi, A. Barton & C. Maes - forthcoming - Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology.
  34. Patologie Della politica moderna. Cronaca di un convegno.Francesco Ciarleguo - 2002 - Studi Filosofici 25:377.
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  35. Wittgenstein. Playing on the Edges of Language.Francesco Valagussa - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):291-305.
    This article aims to show the development of Wittgenstein’s conception of language from a pictorial model to a musical model. At first language is considered as a “means of representation” but in the second phase of Wittgenstein’s work the problem of understanding a proposition and the different shades of meaning supports an analogy with the musical dimension. In this perspective, Wittgenstein approaches the idea of language-game.
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    Dimensions Underlying the Perceived Similarity of Acoustic Environments.Francesco Aletta, Östen Axelsson & Jian Kang - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  37. On strong comparative logic.Francesco Paoli - 1996 - Logique Et Analyse 155 (156):271-283.
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    Badiou; Democracy: Citizenship; Democracy Into and Onto the Web.Francesco Tampoia - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (1):315-326.
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    Il filosofo dimezzato.Francesco Tampoia - 2000 - Roma: Armando.
  40. Simon Morgan Wortham, Derrida: Writing Events Reviewed by.Francesco Tampoia - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (3):186-189.
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    Domanda religiosa e mediazione notarile nel Mezzogiorno moderno.Francesco Gaudioso - 1999 - Gelatina: Congedo Editore.
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    (1 other version)Studi sul rinascimento.Giovanni Gentile & Tommaso Campanella - 1923 - Firenze,: Vallecchi. Edited by Tommaso Campanella.
    Le traduz oni medievali di Platone e Francesco Petrarca.--Il preteso ascetismo del Petrarca.--Intorno alla biografia di Paolo Veneto.--La cronologia del De anima di C. Landino.--Leone Ebreo e Spinoza.--Religione e virtu in Machiavelli.--L'etica di Machiavelli.--Studi bruniani.--Di una traduzione delle opere di G. C. Vanini.--Il primo processo d'eresia di T. Campanella.--Le varie redazioni del De sensu rerum di Tommaso Campanella.--Le varie redazioni del De sensu rerum di Tommaso Campanella con un saggio del testo italiano inedito.--I manoscritti di Campanella e la (...)
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    What is Leibniz's argument for the identity of indiscernibles in his correspondence with Clarke?Francesco Martinello - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (2):315 – 333.
  44. Considerazioni ontologiche e semantico-pragmatiche sulle prodizioni.Francesco Orilia - 2005 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 38:413-420.
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  45. La libertà d’assunzione nella filosofia analitica contemporanea.Francesco Orilia - 2005 - Rivista di Estetica 45 (3).
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    Tradition and innovation in ontology: the case of propositions and states of affairs.Francesco Orilia - 2012 - Philosophical News 5.
    I shall explain the notions of propositions and states of affairs as they are understood in the current ontological debate and I shall briefly relate them to similar notions in Aristotle and some Medieval authors. In contrast with the point of view of some philosophers who identify propositions and states of affairs, I shall argue that they need to be sharply distinguished. I shall then move on to a problem for propositions and, above all, states of affairs, known as Bradley’s (...)
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    Formal explanations as logical derivations.Francesco A. Genco - 2021 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 31 (3-4):279-342.
    According to a longstanding philosophical tradition dating back to Aristotle, certain proofs do not only certify the truth of their conclusion but also explain it. Lately, much effort is being devo...
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    From body shadows to bodily attention: Automatic orienting of tactile attention driven by cast shadows.Francesco Pavani, Paola Rigo & Giovanni Galfano - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:56-67.
  49.  22
    Sequent Calculi for First-order $$\textrm{ST}$$.Francesco Paoli & Adam Přenosil - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (5):1291-1320.
    Strict-Tolerant Logic ($$\textrm{ST}$$ ST ) underpins naïve theories of truth and vagueness (respectively including a fully disquotational truth predicate and an unrestricted tolerance principle) without jettisoning any classically valid laws. The classical sequent calculus without Cut is sometimes advocated as an appropriate proof-theoretic presentation of $$\textrm{ST}$$ ST. Unfortunately, there is only a partial correspondence between its derivability relation and the relation of local metainferential $$\textrm{ST}$$ ST -validity – these relations coincide only upon the addition of elimination rules and only within (...)
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    Peirce on Assertion: Preface to the Symposium.Francesco Bellucci, Daniele Chiffi & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2021 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (2):205-209.
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